
2021 HPI index for Brazil
Rank Life expectancy Wellbeing Carbon footprint HPI score
34th 72.8 years 6/10 4.59 tCO2e 46.2
HPI Data over time for Brazil
Year Rank Life expectancy Wellbeing Carbon footprint HPI score
2021 34th 72.8 years 6/10 4.59 tCO2e 46.2
2020 25th 74 years 6.1/10 4.34 tCO2e 48.9
2019 11th 75.3 years 6.5/10 4.6 tCO2e 52.2
2018 19th 75.1 years 6.2/10 4.64 tCO2e 50
2017 14th 74.8 years 6.3/10 4.89 tCO2e 50.2
2016 15th 74.4 years 6.4/10 4.85 tCO2e 50.4
2015 14th 74.3 years 6.5/10 5.06 tCO2e 51.1
2014 9th 74.3 years 7/10 5.34 tCO2e 53.6
2013 6th 73.9 years 7.1/10 5.2 tCO2e 54.9
2012 11th 73.6 years 6.7/10 5.06 tCO2e 51.5
2011 6th 73.3 years 7/10 5 tCO2e 54.3
2010 7th 73.2 years 6.8/10 4.85 tCO2e 53.2
2009 5th 72.9 years 7/10 4.4 tCO2e 55.6
2008 5th 72.7 years 6.7/10 4.55 tCO2e 52.7
2007 5th 72.4 years 6.3/10 4.29 tCO2e 50.4
2006 72 years 4.21 tCO2e
HPI Data in 2021 by Income groups Brazil
Decile Price range Life expectancy Wellbeing Carbon footprint HPI score
1 No income from employment
(No income from employment)
71.7 years 6.3/10 1.5 tCO2e 56.5
2 Less than $3,249 USD
(Less than 7,631 reales)
72.8 years 6.4/10 1.8 tCO2e 57.6
3 $3,249 to $5,689 USD
(7,631 to 13,363 reales)
73.8 years 6.4/10 2.4 tCO2e 57
4 $5,689 to $8,684 USD
(13,363 to 20,397 reales)
74.7 years 6.4/10 2.8 tCO2e 56.9
5 $8,684 to $10,477 USD
(20,397 to 24,609 reales)
75.5 years 6.5/10 3.1 tCO2e 57.1
6 $10,477 to $12,008 USD
(24,609 to 28,204 reales)
76.1 years 6.5/10 3.4 tCO2e 56.8
7 $12,008 to $15,685 USD
(28,204 to 36,841 reales)
76.7 years 6.5/10 3.9 tCO2e 56.1
8 $15,685 to $22,381 USD
(36,841 to 52,569 reales)
77.1 years 6.5/10 4.6 tCO2e 54.6
9 $22,381 to $43,255 USD
(52,569 to 101,599 reales)
77.4 years 6.5/10 6.1 tCO2e 50.8
10 Over $43,255 USD
(Over 101,599 reales)
77.6 years 6.5/10 16.3 tCO2e 33.9