United Kingdom

United Kingdom


Happy planet index score.

19th out of 147 countries.

80.7 years Life expectancy
27th out of 147 countries.

8.94 tCO2e Carbon footprint
102nd out of 147 countries.

6.9/10 Wellbeing
15th out of 147 countries.

United Kingdom

The UK performs relatively strongly on wellbeing and life expectancy. But like other advanced economies, it is denied a place in the top 10 on its overall HPI score due to its high and unsustainable ecological footprint – 3.95 global hectares per capita. For reference, a sustainable footprint would be 1.56 global hectares per capita. If all countries matched the UK’s resource use, we would need almost 3 planets to maintain our consumption levels.

Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP in the UK Parliament 

“The Happy Planet shows the UK is making progress in reducing its impact on the environment. But to create ‘sustainable wellbeing’ – wellbeing for all people today, and in the future, we must go further and faster with our action to tackle climate change – and invest only in those areas that will improve all of our lives. That means better quality, affordable and secure housing, our NHS, schools, and a fair and resilient local economy that puts people and local jobs first.”


GDP per capita

25th out of 147 countries.



21st out of 147 countries.

a note on human rights

Human rights abuses are a problem in most of the world, including in some of the high-ranking countries in the Happy Planet Index results. While the Happy Planet Index may reflect some of the negative impacts of these abuses, it does not seek to directly measure this. For more information about human rights in this country, visit Amnesty International.

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United Kingdom
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